Tips on how to frame certificates


There are a few key things to consider when framing a certificate, in order to ensure that it is displayed in the best possible way.

First, it’s important to choose a frame that complements the certificate. The frame should be simple and classic in design, so as not to detract from the certificate itself. A plain, black or gold frame is a good option, as it will not clash with the colors or design of the certificate.

Next, consider the matting. Matting is the material that sits between the certificate and the frame, and it serves to create a border around the certificate. Matting can be made from a variety of materials, such as paper, acid-free board or foam core. A white or off-white matting is recommended as it will make the certificate stand out. Matting can also be used to complement or contrast the colors of the certificate.

When choosing the matting, keep in mind the size of the certificate. A matting that is too small will make the certificate look cramped, while a matting that is too large will make the certificate look lost. It’s important to ensure that the certificate is centered within the matting and the frame.

Another important thing to consider when framing a certificate is the type of glass or acrylic that will be used. Regular glass can cause glare and reflections, making it difficult to read the certificate. Anti-glare glass or acrylic is recommended, as it will reduce glare and make the certificate easier to read.

When it comes to hanging the certificate, it’s important to choose a location that is visible but not in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause fading over time and make it difficult to read the certificate. A location in an office, or a home study or living room would be appropriate.

Finally, when it comes to conservation and preservation, it’s important to use acid-free materials when framing a certificate. This will help to ensure that the certificate does not yellow or degrade over time.

In summary, when framing a certificate, choose a simple and classic frame, complementing or contrasting the colors of the certificate, choose matting that is the right size, use anti-glare glass or acrylic, hang it in a visible location but not in direct sunlight and use acid-free materials for preservation. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your certificate is displayed in the best possible way, and will be preserved for many years to come.