How to measure your artwork

measure your artwork cambridge


Measuring your artwork is an important step in the framing process. It ensures that the finished product will fit well in the designated space and look visually balanced. Here are some tips for measuring your artwork:

  1. Measure the artwork itself: Measure the height and width of the artwork, including any borders or matting. This will give you the exact dimensions of the artwork and will help you choose a frame that is proportionate.
  2. Consider the mount: The mount is the colored or white border that surrounds the artwork. It is important to consider how much mount you want around the artwork. Conventionally, around 50mm of mount card is adequate for an average-sized artwork. This will give the artwork some surrounding white space to be appreciated.
  3. Measure the space where the artwork will hang: Before you go to a picture framer, measure the space on the wall where you plan to hang the artwork. This will give you an idea of what size frame and mount will work best. Keep in mind that the size of the artwork should be in proportion to the size of the wall space.
  4. Take into account the style of the artwork: The style of the artwork should also be considered when measuring. A modern, minimalist piece may look better in a simple, clean-lined frame, while a traditional piece may look better in an ornate frame.
  5. Measure multiple times: Measure the artwork and the wall space multiple times to ensure accuracy. This will also give you a chance to re-evaluate your choices and make any necessary adjustments.
  6. Think about the final product: Before framing an artwork it is wise to consider the overall size of the finished product once framed. If you have the financial clout of a National Art Gallery and their abundant wall space framing a stamp in a ten-foot-wide mount probably is an option, but for most people it’s not.